Showing posts with label Approyo Machine Learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Approyo Machine Learning. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2019

Top benefits of implementing Machine Learning right now

Machine learning is a type of AI that allows computer programs to adjust when exposed to new data, in effect, “learning” without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning is similar to data mining in which databases are examined by humans to produce new information and insight. However, machine learning provides an unbiased analysis of the data. Today, companies all over the world are implementing machine learning in every level of business. Don't wait for your competition to pass you, get a jump start at implementing machine learning for your business right now with SAP powered by Approyo.

  • Faster decisions - Machine learning algorithms can prioritize and automate decision making. They can also flag opportunities and smart actions that should be taken immediately – so you can achieve the best results.
  • Adaptability - Artificial intelligence doesn’t just look at historical data. It can process real-time inputs – so you can adjust on the fly. Think of cars that can automatically stop before rear-ending another vehicle.
  • Algorithmic business - An “algorithmic business” uses advanced machine learning algorithms to achieve a high level of automation. Making the shift can pave the way for innovative new business models, products, and services.
  • Deeper insights - Machine learning can analyze big, complex, and streaming data, and find insights – including predictive insights – that are beyond human capabilities. It can then trigger actions based on those insights.
  • Efficiency - With smart, machine learning-supported business processes, you can dramatically improve efficiency. Plan and forecast accurately, automate tasks, reduce costs, and even eliminate human error.
  • Better outcomes - From triggering smart actions based on new opportunities and risks, to accurately predicting the results of a decision before it is made – machine learning can help you drive better business outcomes.

Industry Benefits for implementing Machine Learning

  • Manufacturing  -Manufacturers collect a huge amount of data from plant sensors and the Internet of Things – which is perfect for machine learning. Computer vision and anomaly detection algorithms are used for quality control – and others are used
  • for everything from predictive maintenance and demand forecasting to powering new services. 
  • Finance - Few industries are better suited for machine learning than finance – given its high data volumes and historical records. Algorithms are used for trading stocks, approving loans, detecting fraud, assessing risks, and underwriting insurance. They’re even used for “robo advising” customers and aligning portfolios to user goals. 
  • Healthcare - Machine learning algorithms can process more data and spot more patterns than any team of researchers or doctors, no matter how many hours they put in. From medical image analysis and early cancer detection, to drug development and robot-assisted surgery – the machine learning possibilities in healthcare are endless.