Monday, April 2, 2012

A special Cloud Birthday gift to you

To celebrate our third birthday we are open sourcing our policy-based control plane, Brooklyn, under the Apache 2.0 license.

You can read all about it in our press release -

We already provide extensive professional open source support and services, actively sponsoring open source projects such as Apache Whirr and jclouds, therefore open sourcing Brooklyn is a logical next step for us.

In terms of the community this means we can now offer a comprehensive open source Application Platform Toolkit (APT) comprising Brooklyn, jclouds and Whirr that makes managing applications especially in a multi-cloud environment a breeze.

William Fellows, VP Research, 451 Group captures what we are trying to achieve in a provocative report published over the weekend PaaSification – use Cloudsoft's Brooklyn to create your own

You can obtain a copy -

However while this is useful background what we'd really like you to do is join the Brooklyn open source community.

Therefore your call to action is to -

  1. Sign up to our google groups brooklyn-users and brooklyn-dev -
  2. Visit Brooklyn's new home -
  3. Join the party -
    • IRC: #brooklyncentral
    • Twitter: @brooklyncentral #brooklyncentral

Your support is essential as Brooklyn won't be the same without you :-)